Anoop Singh Bishnoi on Work-Life Balance

In this world of 7.6 billion people, where each of us is competing to ace in the race of success, the only way to survive is when you choose to lead...Is it that easy, especially in this current hustle culture?


Successful businesses take years of hard work and grit, but does that mean you need to rise and grind until you get the job done? Well, not really! Here’s what Anoop Singh Bishnoi, a serial entrepreneur and a promoter of the alcohol and steel industries, has to say about it.

We’re living in a culture where overworking is glorified and even incentivized with promotions or raises. Despite knowing the drastic negative effects this grind can have on our mental, physical and emotional health, we celebrate and prioritize work over other aspects of being human – such as personal or family time. This hustle culture is so normalized that you could be a part of it and yet not realize that...and what’s even harder is to break away from it.

When things are embedded within, creating new habits can take time, perhaps one could attempt instilling a new rhythm

One's Value isn’t decided based on the amount of work one does, so keep a track of your energy. Never judge your days based on how much work you’ve done; your productivity depends on your mental, physical and emotional balance, so at the end of the day it should be your headspace that should matter. Get in tune with yourself and prioritize your feelings.

One does not need to run at the same pace as everyone else, scheduling rest days and making time for hobbies is a way to unclutter one's mind. Don’t get used to being busy, make a to-do list and do some non-work-related things too. Rather than answering everyone else's needs, understand one's own needs and block out some space for them.

There is no need to prove anything to others. The so-called “perfect” lives of others may make one establish a benchmark viz them...this may be detrimental...while encouraging to push one's self beyond your boundaries, ask what success means to you in other areas of your life apart from work...look at the things that make the biggest impact in your life, and celebrate these moments too.

In the end, just remember that one's life has so much more than what others view it as... as long as one is a good human being, others' perception of one's self is immaterial, while working hard certainly reap benefits, it’s the little things in life that make us feel fulfilled – all you’ve got to do is to find them and live them.


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