Anoop Bishnoi - Mental health and entrepreneurship

The glorified start-up culture of today has constricted the self-identity of an entrepreneur to their business success, expecting them to work tirelessly round the clock to prove their passion and dedication for their work... but fortunately, what’s long been a taboo topic within this entrepreneurial ecosystem is finally getting some much-needed attention – mental well-being.

The unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a serious impact on the physical and mental health of entrepreneurs…many businesses were and still are running in a survival mode, and moreover, the lockdown drove up the mental depression occurrences too. Now more than ever, it is necessary to recognize the importance of mental health and stability, but the irony is that still many do not understand what that truly means. To look at things from a particular perspective, we recently had a conversation about the same with the well-known entrepreneur and business mentor – Anoop Singh Bishnoi, who candidly gave some tips on the same – “Founders have always had some detrimental stigmas; loneliness, failure, and anxiety are all a part of ups and downs of the startup life, but as an entrepreneur, one should think of their mental health as the most important asset of the company…after all, a healthy mental state improves your decision making faculties and fosters a productive work environment… essentially, a successful business needs a healthy leader. One particular way of managing stress is to accept all your negative thoughts as they are, let them wash over you, and address what is causing them. Identifying what makes you feel stressed is the best way to prevent that from happening again.”

This may seem a little difficult in the beginning, but finding a good work-life balance can really help to stabilize things, remember, figures on the balance sheet don’t define who you are…finding a healthy balance in life will equate to you finding more joy in your work and it’s important that you care about you and your business alike.  


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