Anoop Bishnoi — Picking Oneself Up After Failure

Life is unpredictable, and so is a business – not everything goes as planned. This is because outside forces are constantly at work, both creating situations and choices that lead us to success or, more often than not, place roadblocks in our path. While no entrepreneur wants to think of negative situations, it goes without saying that failures are a part of every successful journey. At the time it may feel crushing, but in reality every time you fail at something you get an opportunity to learn from it, grow, and evolve. In a way- the more success you desire, the more failure you must overcome.

We all read about inspirational success stories every day, but rarely does someone tell us about the stories of their failures. That’s because we often see it as a flaw, a negative, something that shouldn’t have happened or be talked about! In today’s read we’re going to figure out how we can overcome failures to reach our eventual goals. Recently we had a chance to have a quick conversation with Anoop Bishnoi – Entrepreneur and Business Mentor. And here’s a part of it that we think will surely inspire you. Anoop says “… It’s okay if you fail. We've all faced failures, but the problem is most of us don’t like to talk about them. Many of us are hesitant to face our failures head-on or even discuss them. It’s simpler to ignore them. But to move on ahead, we must accept our shortcomings as well. If you don’t analyze the reason behind your failures and disappointments, you’ll never be able to reflect or introspect. Which means you’ll never be able to learn and grow from the situation. I understand we all have a big picture of success in our heads, but when we set such ambitious goals for ourselves it becomes all the more difficult to achieve them. Start with smaller steps and simpler goals, and don’t forget to celebrate your little accomplishments too, it’ll motivate you to move even closer to your ultimate vision.”

Staying mindful of how one addresses their emotions is the key to overcoming hardships. Remember, the most inspiring dreams – the ones worth pursuing – are distinguished by their difficulty.


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