Mission, Vision, and Values – Anoop Bishnoi
“If we could first know where we are, and whether we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it.” – Abraham Lincoln
Every entrepreneur has a formula/a strategy
that allows them to own large businesses that generate large profits while also
creating job opportunities at the same time. Great and successful entrepreneurs
have accomplished their objectives and goals by establishing a strong and clear
vision, and pursuing it with zeal.
For any business- vision is vital. That’s
what drives the entrepreneur, the founder, the co-founder and his or her
immediate team. However, the success of a venture is dependent not only on defining
and pursuing a vision, but also on the ability to instrument/implement it,
formulate it into something tangible, and then sharing it with the community.
That’s how businesses work right? But what exactly does ‘vision’ mean, and how
can we cultivate and implement it?
To talk more about it, we had a
conversation with the well-experienced entrepreneur, Anoop Bishnoi, and here’s
what he thinks.. “ The vision we’re talking about here is the picture one has
for their venture of what it will grow into in the near future. Throughout
running a business, the biggest challenge is to find people…those who are
adaptable to change, willing to innovate, and skilled at creating ideas and
opportunities that drive the business in a positive direction – having a clear vision
makes this task easier. The mindset of the company's head sets the tone for the
rest of the organization and influences corporate culture. Therefore as
entrepreneurs, we must have the ability to imprint this vision to not only ours
but also our team's energy and motivation. Instilling in them the same
enthusiasm, drive and perseverance that brings projects and dreams to fruition.
To find our vision, we must be aware of our ambitions and goals, and also the
problem-solving potential of our products/services for the consumer’s greater
good. This vision becomes the deciding factor for our business identity,
expresses our core values, and helps us stay focused on a clear path.”
Having a vision and a goal makes your
decision-making process easier and assists you in positioning your products as
effectively as possible. These will help you stay focused on what is important
and will give everyone a clear picture of what your business is about.
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