Creativity and Business Innovations

 Thinking outside the box is necessary for entrepreneurship, but it must be more than that these days. The real challenge is to figure out how to build new boxes while also making the ones you already have bigger and better. Although staying organized, mission-oriented, and efficient are the precursors of productivity, no rule says those pillars must come at the expense of creativity. Indeed, creativity is becoming an increasingly valuable asset in the workplace, both as an individual and as part of a team.

In a recent discussion with Anoop Singh Bishnoi, promoter of Alcohol and Steel Industries and a well-experienced business mentor, we came to understand about the many unconventional ways to boost creativity in an organization. Here’s what he shared, “Instead of going through a checklist or action items, one should give their team more responsibility and autonomy to carry out projects…more ideas will be generated, and ownership will instill a stronger sense of confidence in one's abilities. Everyone is encouraged to step outside of their comfort zones to create more, I believe that the word ‘comfort’ is crucial. Being in a good space fosters creativity. One should give their mind some peace and relaxation; do this and the mind will generate ideas that one would find unthinkable. Honestly, I think that a long-term goal produces no creativity. Short-term, small goals help with evolution. This also makes one’s work easier to manage. If one knows what their long-term goals are, one can divide the tasks into daily actions. While doing so, one allows their mind to enter a creative mode of simplifying the work, and automatically gains clarity about the priorities. Last but not the least, most of it depends on one’s personal attributes, unbreakable faith in oneself is the icing on the cake.”

Creativity is similar to a muscle. It must be stretched, challenged, and pushed out of its comfort zone. Creativity, like most things, requires practice. Coming up with creative solutions to problems and thinking outside the box are always possible if you can observe things from a different and more creative perspective, it will surely help you produce something truly unique and innovative for your company.


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