The Missing Pillar of Our Education System

Many young people in India drop out of school after the primary level. Although providing good education to young people is an important goal for all countries, India is struggling to meet this goal. Some of the obstacles stem from insufficient resources allocated to educational systems by the country’s central and state governments. Furthermore, the resources expended by the government, parents, and students themselves are not being used effectively to achieve the best possible results.

Here's what Anoop Bishnoi, Chairman of The Doon School, Dehradun, thinks is missing from India’s education system. He said, “Education leaders, families, teachers, and students, all have a very different idea about the purpose of their school system. Any attempt at transformation will fail unless there is a broadly shared vision within and outside of the education system. We must concentrate more on what students are expected to learn rather than how that content is delivered, and we must pay special attention to those who are learning the least.

We find it difficult to talk to our children about failure because we are constantly aspiring and pushing them towards success. Some of us may even believe that we have sailed through without major setbacks, and we hope that our children will as well. Regrettably, the world has changed and they’re growing up in a different reality; one in which they have access to information and content on the internet, much of which may be inappropriate for young minds.

Not only is it critical to recognize their needs and struggles, but it is also critical to arrive before the internet.”

We need to talk about emotions and feelings as parents and educators — how to deal with stress and feelings of uncertainty, how to stay safe and responsible online, how to practice resilience, and how to deal with many of those growing-up challenges. The majority of these are frequently swept under the rug. There is also a need to do this in a safe and non-judgmental environment, with the necessary resources to assist with solutions and positive support.


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