Role of Gender and Education in Economic Development

Education has been recognised as a fundamental human right in a number of international conventions – A powerful tool for individual freedom and socioeconomic development. Despite a number of initiatives and significant progress over the years, many girls around the world continue to be denied the right to education. Globally, nine out of ten girls complete primary school, but only three out of four complete lower secondary school (roughly 9 years of education). Less than two-thirds of girls complete primary school in low-income countries, and only one-third complete lower secondary school.

No country can advance without equal participation of women in social, political, economic, and other development initiatives. Female labour force participation rises as a result of education, resulting in faster economic growth. When women have equal access to quality education, they actively participate in business and economic activities, which helps to close the long-standing gender pay gap. “Education is more than just getting her into school; it is also a strategic development priority, ensuring women’s empowerment, quality education, skill development, safety, and, finally, her contribution to society and the economy.” Says Anoop Singh Bishnoi, Chairman of The Doon School, Dehradun.

Promoting gender equality entails addressing the norms, attitudes, and beliefs that limit women and girls  (and transgenders)– and this frequently entails changing mens’ mindsets and behaviors. Education for women is not only a basic human right, but also a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world. Commitment and bold action are required to accelerate progress, including the promotion of gender-equal laws, policies, budgets, and institutions.


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