Why We Need Gender-balanced Classrooms - Gender Equality An Investment for Future

In India, girls face significant educational disparities. Inequalities in this demographic include low literacy rates and a lack of education. Many of these girls are raised with no expectation regarding education, they are conditioned to think that as they are most likely to become mothers if they chose so, education is not something they need. Educational disparities will become a cyclical, intergenerational issue. Cultural values, child marriage, a scarcity of feminine hygiene products, and child labor are all factors that contribute to a lack of education. Poverty, decreased child well-being, health issues, and increased domestic violence stem from many reasons but one of them being the continued lack of formal education among young females.

“If she’s a girl, she is far more likely to be barred from attending school, forced to marry, forced to have children, and likely subjected to violence, with her voice undervalued, if heard at all and sadly that’s still the situation in many parts of India if not all... This assault on childhood robs countries of the energy and talent they require to advance. Gender equality is not only a basic human right, but also a prerequisite for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable future. Gender equality entails a world in which men and women, girls and boys, have equal rights, resources, opportunities, and protection.” Says Anoop Singh Bishnoi, Chairman of The Doon School, Dehradun.

Everyone benefits when girls are given the ability to lead their own lives, speak their minds, and shape their own futures. When we fight gender oppression, history shows that societies become more stable, safe, and prosperous, with happier, better educated people. Gender equality must be prioritized to close disparities and reach every child, including the most vulnerable. Gender inequalities intersect with and exacerbate other risk factors, such as age, race, socioeconomic class, gender identity, geography, health status, and ability.

Gender equality is a fundamental human right for all people, including girls, boys, and transgenders. To create a more equal, inclusive future free of gender discrimination, we must protect our children at a young age.


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