
To Ensure a Safe Environment at School

According to experts, kids are still picking up on societal and social behavior during their formative years and may not be particularly aware of what behavior is appropriate and what isn’t. They add that in order to keep them secure, they need to learn a number of lessons. In their formative years, children must learn about “safe” and “unsafe” touch, especially at a time when younger children are increasingly being sexually attacked and mistreated. “It worries me to read frequent headlines that raise concerns about a child’s safety on various fronts as a parent and an educator. They serve as a reminder of how vulnerable young children, especially girls are when they go to other cities to compete in tournaments or participate in field excursions, when they ride in school buses, or even when they are targeted at their own schools in overt and covert ways,” says Anoop Singh Bishnoi . In rural schools, where sometimes poor infrastructure not even includes restrooms, the technical safety

Poverty and Education are Inextricably Linked

Many of us believe that poverty is solely due to a lack of education. This, however, is not the case. To understand how uneducated people can become wealthy while educated people remain poor, we must be compassionate and recognize that everyone’s struggles are unique. Poverty is a complex and entrenched social problem, but it is not caused by a lack of education. The true cause of poverty is a lack of productivity, which is caused by low literacy rates caused by a lack of education. That is why children are dropping out at a younger and younger age. More than a billion people live in extreme poverty around the world. There is a scarcity of food and water, and as a result, life and development are difficult for them. These people, however, do not lack the ability or motivation to work; they lack sufficient education and thus cannot earn money. They live as children who, as they grow older, will marry and have children who, if given access to education and become informed about the ways

Life skills for success in school and beyond

Have you ever considered how capable your child is of taking care of themselves? Are your children mature enough to make simple decisions? Have you considered whether your child has been taught necessary life skills to face the world? It has been observed that there is a gap today between the theoretical and practical worlds, which is due to a lack of skills developed in children. In today’s globalised world, life skill development is a tool for empowering children and safeguarding their future by providing them with overall development. “Instilling life skills and well-being skills in schools benefits children and youth’s mental health now and in the future. Life skills training can be delivered as a module or as individual exercises. Teachers and other school personnel should become acquainted with and even receive training in, the teaching of life skills. When life skills are consistently taught, the results are visible at the school level, not just in individual student wellbeing

Using Technology to deal with Technostress

As the use of technology in education grows, it is critical to consider its impact on student well-being. Mental health issues among high school and college students are becoming more common, and educational institutions and educators must find ways to alleviate this burden. Fortunately, EdTech is developing new solutions to assist students in dealing with such issues and developing better mental health. There are now a variety of tools available that can have a significant impact on student well-being, ranging from meditation apps to online therapy programs. While technological accessibility has its own benefits, on the flip side though, it can also create an unavoidable temptation for some to be logged on to excess. Recent data indicates that students’ frustration and stress levels have increased as a result of their use of technology. “From being our guide on roads to writing our assignments and papers, technology is both a friend and an enemy to our brains. Because technology has r

Threat or Tool- What is ChatGPTs Role in Education?

Colleges and universities are at crossroads, dealing with declining enrollments, rising costs, the growing popularity of alternative educational options, and a dwindling perceived value of a degree. If you believe the hype, the latest threat is ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot from Silicon Valley startup OpenAI. ChatGPT, which was recently released by the company OpenAI, generates text and can even write essays. The chatbot’s artificial intelligence, or AI, has already been reported as a coauthor on four papers and preprints. What does this mean for education’s future? How can universities best address the problems that ChatGPT, or “Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer,” poses? Could the bot help with education? Is there any benefit to using it in the classroom? While some see it as a tool to improve learning and reduce teacher workload, others see it as a threat to academic integrity that allows for cheating and plagiarism. “It will be as transformative for educators as Google was

Education Technology-a Revolution in the Making

Education is dynamic, we all know it could be better, but it is also the best it has ever been in human history. Over the last two centuries, the world’s literacy rate has risen from 12% to 88%, and primary, secondary, and tertiary education have all seen dramatic growth (in schools and students), breaking records almost on a yearly basis. Our educational curriculum has also evolved, embracing our ever-expanding understanding of the world — and the internet’s recent boom has brought self-education to the masses. Despite its flaws, we owe a lot of who we are to this system, and its expansion has been phenomenal.  However, teaching methods, while constantly evolving, still require some modification. Modern education is still largely archaic. It works to some extent, but it is not ‘all pleasant’. Teachers have a lot on their plates, from lesson and assignment planning to teaching, grading, and the expectation of providing individualized attention to each and every student in the classroom

Growing Significance of the Mother Tongue in Education

Learning English has opened up numerous opportunities for Indians, but should this come at the expense of fluency in the mother tongue? As per research, using a child’s mother tongue in the early stages of learning has numerous unique benefits, but are we really emphasising this in classrooms? A child's first classroom is at home. When a child enters a structured learning environment such as school, he or she is already undergoing a great deal of adjustment and adaptation. Consider starting school and being unable to understand the teacher! There is no greater source of anxiety for a child than this. Having to learn a foreign language while going through other major changes makes learning difficult. “When the child’s mother tongue or a local language is used as the medium of instruction, he or she will learn concepts faster, adjust better, and show learning gains faster. This includes parental involvement in schooling as well. Parental involvement is sometimes limited in India due