Anoop Bishnoi - Work-Life Balance for Entrepreneurs
Working longer does not usually result in greater productivity, but that temptation is always there. Being an entrepreneur is difficult, you’ll have to face a lot of ups and downs, and most of the time, you’ll have to handle it all alone. If your life is out of balance, you won’t be able to function up to the mark in any area of your life, and that’s why you must find a way to incorporate other priorities too, while expanding your business.
Keep in mind that work-life integration, or
balance, is something you must define for yourself. Things that are meaningful
to you may or may not be meaningful to others. Realistically, as an
entrepreneur, your business will demand a significant amount of your time. You
cannot ignore this responsibility, especially at the start…but you can always
try to make things better by adjusting and adapting. If you’re wondering
‘How?’, then keep reading.
A daily period of "unplugging" Is
not only extremely beneficial to your nervous system, but it will almost
certainly lead to inspiration. First you have to take care of yourself, and
then you’ll see your business thriving automatically.
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