
Tips to succeed in a competitive marketplace – Anoop Bishnoi

Statistics don’t lie: an estimate of 50% to 70% of startups fail within the first 18 months. No matter how many advanced degrees you hold or how much industry experience you have, starting your own business can feel like you’re dodging one disaster after another. Some of these obstacles can be frustrating even though they are a part of the learning curve, but what if you could avoid them? Recently we spoke to a well-known, successful entrepreneur – Anoop Bishnoi , and asked him for some advice on common mistakes that new entrepreneurs should be weary off,  to improve their chances of success; here’s what he said, “The first and foremost thing that you should be doing is to ask yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing and if you have a clear purpose or not… if you know the answer, you’ll keep moving forward no matter what.” Businesses without plans have a hard time succeeding, is there any strategy to have a solid business plan? Anoop adds, “.. There surely is, just some basic ques

How to Build Mental Strength to survive Business' Hurdles – Anoop Bishnoi

Launching a business? The plan may sound enticing, but don’t you forget – Business always tests you! Success stories are motivating, but in reality, the road is a lot bumpier than it seems. And the most powerful asset throughout this journey will be your mental strength. Anyone can start a business but not everyone has the mental muscle to become outstanding; to face determined competitors and overcome customers’ resistance to change. Recently, we interviewed Anoop Bishnoi , a successful entrepreneur, and a great mentor, to talk about mental toughness and how to build it, here’s what he has to say, “…mental strength isn’t something that can be learned, it’s an approach to life which needs control, confidence, and commitment. To train your mind to become tougher, the first thing you need to do is to alter negative reactions to reasoning and finding solutions, start looking for opportunities and positives in bad news.” No doubt that it sounds like a great approach to cope with any gi

How to maintain a work-life balance – Anoop Bishnoi

Balancing your personal and professional life can be a little challenging, as work often takes precedence over everything else in our lives. If you’ve been pushing yourself a little too much these days, while setting aside your well-being, then this read is especially for you! We often fail to achieve a harmonious work-life balance as our desire to succeed professionally often overpowers the demands of our personal life and the need to constantly check and improve our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. To create a work-life balance is to prioritize both personal and professional demands equally. What could be the positive effects of this equilibrium? Lower risk of burnout, less stress, and enhanced productivity. If you’re wondering how to get there then we have some good news for you! We recently spoke to a well-known entrepreneur who is not only extremely driven in regards to his professional goals but also equally prioritizes his personal life and passions - Anoop Bishnoi.

Turning failure into success – Anoop Singh Bishnoi

Running a company is one of the hardest things you can do. When you succeed you feel like you’re on top of the world and can achieve anything. But when you fail, it feels like you’ve been shattered and crushed, along with a lot of discouragement and demotivation. Starting and running a business is risky and failures are inevitable. There could be day to day small failures that you may overcome, and/or long term and serious failures that may need you to rethink your goals, strategies, and approach. But no matter what it looks like, navigating and finding a way through these difficult situations is what truly defines a successful entrepreneur. In a recent conversation with Anoop Singh Bishnoi , a well-known name in the list of successful entrepreneurs; we asked him for some tips he would like to share about how to handle such situations better, and here’s what he said, “…there aren’t actually any such contingency plans, but being mentally prepared for the difficult times makes you much

Entrepreneur Anoop Singh Bishnoi

Anoop Singh Bishnoi is an entrepreneur and philanthropist; at present running alcohol and steel industries. Really Anoop Singh Bishnoi is extremely passionate about educational equity and believes that it is the only way to bring cultural and societal upliftment. He’s actively working with several social organizations to bring innovative changes in the educational system, starting from schools under his family foundation in Punjab; focusing on skill development in young children starting from an early age. In addition to that, he’s also involved in several social causes to support learning initiatives of students and women who lack the financial means to pursue education. Anoop belongs to the family of farmers and strongly believes that practical education is the utmost necessity of our system – the foundation of building valuable traits in children, teaching them patience and hard work. He asserts that our farmers are our best teachers, and agricultural lessons are integral for one’s

Best advice to aspiring entrepreneurs – Anoop Singh Bishnoi

Passionate about your big idea but not sure how to start? Luckily we have something important that could surely help – first-hand advice from an experienced mentor. Jumping into the entrepreneurial world can be a bit intimidating, especially when you’re getting into something that you may not have tried yet. What can help is learning from those who have already achieved their goals, and been through the whole journey. This is why we got in touch with one of the most well-known names on the list of successful entrepreneurs - Anoop SinghBishnoi . We asked him if there’s something that he would like to share with the aspiring entrepreneurs to help them get started and here’s what he said, “Great ideas can come from anywhere, the world is full of them, but success only comes through action, the easiest way to get started is by starting to do things! The first thing is to ask yourself if you can do it, believe in your gut feeling and you’ll always find ways through various obstacles. Peop

Turning Obstacles into Opportunities – Anoop Singh Bishnoi

“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” — Martin Luther In the current climate of high uncertainty, this quote has a lot to offer to people who are questioning the future, especially their business ideas and plans. As you sit down to think about your business, think of it as a plant – the idea as a seed, growth as the roots, and service as the bloom. Now the question is, what should encourage you to plant that seed? Or to make the effort/take the leap of faith with your business idea? If you’re a business owner or someone who’s just thinking about starting one, you can’t help but wonder about all the possible consequences, the financial fragility, and the massive disruption and dislocation this pandemic has caused across industries. But what about all the opportunities that are slowly emerging during the recent recovery? Should you not seize them? In a recent interview with Anoop Singh Bishnoi, the successful and well-known