
Anoop Bishnoi - Starting a Home Business

 Is it possible to start a successful business from home? Most certainly it is! The truth is that you don’t need to have an office or go to a workplace to work anymore or in this case start a business. There are many ways to earn a living from home than most people realize, and you can do it entirely by yourself and on your own terms. People always ask, “What’s an ideal business we can do from our home?” The answer is- the one that meets all your requirements. To start, make a list of all the important factors that you expect from your business, could be low startup cost, flexible working hours, or work-life balance. Then write about all the options that are within your skill level and experience or what you’re passionate about, it’ll surely help you find that ‘winning business idea'! Once that’s sorted, you’ll need a solid business plan to get going with your business operations, and for that, we are going to take help from an expert. In a recent conversation with the entrepreneur

Anoop Bishnoi - Keeping Business Afloat in Tough Times

 It is never easy to run a business. When times are tough, businesses may have to shift their focus away from profits and towards survival. It can be difficult to keep a business afloat during challenging times, but losing money or not being able to make enough profits doesn’t signal the end of your business. It just means you need to slow down and reassess your operations. The sooner you can determine where the losses are coming from, the sooner you can reduce or eliminate the leak. Desperate times necessitate desperate measures and, to turn around a company, you must first identify the area that is draining most money. Here’s what the well-known entrepreneur and promoter of the alcohol and steel industries, Anoop Bishnoi , advises, “…the easiest way to figure this out is by restricting your investments to only the most profitable channels i.e. those showcasing a positive ROI. If needed, trim the fat by cutting down on perks and amenities in workplace as small measures do add up exp

Anoop Bishnoi — Picking Oneself Up After Failure

Life is unpredictable, and so is a business – not everything goes as planned. This is because outside forces are constantly at work, both creating situations and choices that lead us to success or, more often than not, place roadblocks in our path. While no entrepreneur wants to think of negative situations, it goes without saying that failures are a part of every successful journey. At the time it may feel crushing, but in reality every time you fail at something you get an opportunity to learn from it, grow, and evolve. In a way- the more success you desire, the more failure you must overcome. We all read about inspirational success stories every day, but rarely does someone tell us about the stories of their failures. That’s because we often see it as a flaw, a negative, something that shouldn’t have happened or be talked about! In today’s read we’re going to figure out how we can overcome failures to reach our eventual goals. Recently we had a chance to have a quick conversation wi

Anoop Bishnoi - Developmental Crisis in Children

 Since the COVID-19 pandemic, education has been severely disrupted. The global priority in response to this crisis is to ensure that every child is supported so that they can return to school and the learning loss can be recovered. Throughout the pandemic children have missed out on normal developmental opportunities. Their lives became narrow, just in and around home, which of course was needed to keep them safe from COVID-19. But without question, it also robbed them of numerous life lessons that can’t be taught at home. What happens now – their social skills are out of practice and they might be a little more emotionally fragile than they would normally be. This has been an incredibly difficult period for children, but as parents and guardians, we need to find ways to get their lives back on track. As someone who has worked immensely for the educational cause as well as served social responsibilities through active coordination with multiple NGOs, Anoop Bishnoi , also expressed h

How to start a business with limited capital – Anoop Bishnoi

There’s no doubt that businesses need capital to get off the ground. However, if you have a great idea, there are many ways to start your business without incurring huge costs. If you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering how to start a business with little or no money, or is it even possible….well, the answer is – Yes! It’s indeed possible and throughout this article, we’ll share some great tips on how to start a business with limited or no capital. Businesses are traditionally conditioned to begin with a mindset of filling the gap – between the customer’s needs and the already available services/products in the market (some of which may not be upto the mark). That’s how we establish a goal and create something new and innovative that is yet to be brought to the market. But if you’re someone who’s starting out small, instead of asking yourself about the gap in the market, start with the question, “What can I provide, and who will be interested in it?” That’s about the idea, b

Anoop Bishnoi - Right time to start your own business

 You’re reading this because you’re probably thinking about starting your own business, or maybe you’ve been delaying this thought…for months or years? Starting one’s own business indeed is one of the most adventurous things one can do in their life, after all, who doesn’t want to break free from the regular 9 to 5? But is it that easy to be your own boss, or does it ever gets easier at a certain time? To answer all these questions and more, we recently had a candid conversation with the Anoop Bishnoi , and here’s what he has to say to all the aspiring entrepreneurs, “No matter what time it is, there’s always some type of risk involved in the initial phase of any business idea. The thing is, you should be sure of what you want to do. If you have a market for your product/ service, the right strategy, and all the necessary resources to thrive, then don’t wait for any right time, just listen to your instinct and follow it. If you’ve decided to start, just remember one thing, be financial

An entrepreneurial mindset - Anoop Bishnoi

 Being an entrepreneur and having an entrepreneurial mindset are two separate things. If we look closely at how business people become successful, then it won’t go unnoticed that they have a way of thinking and an attitude that is different from most. In today’s read, we’ll be getting to know more about how entrepreneurs think and most importantly, how to think like an entrepreneur yourself, from none other than a business mentor and entrepreneur himself – Anoop Bishnoi . Talking about entrepreneurial mindsets, here’s what Anoop has to say, “No matter how long you have been in a business, you have to start seeing every day as a new day with new opportunities, that’s the biggest success mantra I have always believed in. Most people think that having a breakthrough idea or a business vision is all you need to enter the entrepreneurial world. I would say there’s a lot more to sustain yourself long term. Figure out yourself first, once you start working on that, you’ll develop a greater be