
Think Beyond and Stay Ahead

 In recent times, surviving and thriving are only possible if you and your company are working hard to stay ahead of the curve. The harsh reality is that being an entrepreneur requires you one to keep your one’s company and yourself at the forefront of change. As the business world becomes more sophisticated, so, too, must new entrepreneurs. They must stay updated about tech trends and should also focus on expanding mobile commerce and social networking. Furthermore, an entrepreneur must recognize the value of change and be adaptable in order to keep up with the changing times and the ever evolving demands of their customer base. To understand things better, we decided to have a conversation with the well established and experienced entrepreneur and business mentor, Anoop Singh Bishnoi, and here’s what he has to say, “ To succeed in today's business environment, one must focus on developing smooth and strong internal processes; effective communication between people, functions, an...

Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Mindset

 Successful entrepreneurs have a unique way of thinking and acting that sets them apart from the rest of us. The good news is that anyone, no matter what they do, can learn to think like an entrepreneur and put these powerful secrets to work in their own lives. Changing your perspective is the key to developing an entrepreneurial mindset: You’ve to start afresh every day, no matter how long you've been in the business. As a part of this ongoing discussion, we had a chance to have a short conversation with a well-established and experienced entrepreneur, Anoop Singh Bishnoi, and ask about specific ways in which entrepreneurs think about and approach problems. Entrepreneurs, like everyone else, have different strengths and weaknesses, so the views expressed here are elastic and subjective, but really insightful. Here’s what he said, “ I believe that it’s entirely up to you to choose the attitudes and assumptions you will carry with you throughout your life, and you have the power...

Exploring Digital Entrepreneurship

 Is one making the most of the advantages that social media has to offer? Whether one is just starting out or have been in the business for ten years, it is critical to have a social media presence. Technology is widely used and is an integral part of daily life. Large corporations rely entirely on technology and social media marketing. As a result of these developments, social media can make or break a company's success, and the same is true for entrepreneurs. As more and more people join social media sites and use them on a regular/efficient basis, the social media industry is only going to grow bigger in the coming years and that’s why there’s no better time than now to start thinking about social media strategies, regardless of the size or scope of your business. Recently, we had a word with the well-experienced and established entrepreneur and business mentor – Anoop Singh Bishnoi, and asked him what he thinks about the same, as well as, how he has been keeping up with this so...

Anoop Bishnoi - Work-Life Balance for Entrepreneurs

 Working longer does not usually result in greater productivity, but that temptation is always there. Being an entrepreneur is difficult, you’ll have to face a lot of ups and downs, and most of the time, you’ll have to handle it all alone. If your life is out of balance, you won’t be able to function up to the mark in any area of your life, and that’s why you must find a way to incorporate other priorities too, while expanding your business. Keep in mind that work-life integration, or balance, is something you must define for yourself. Things that are meaningful to you may or may not be meaningful to others. Realistically, as an entrepreneur, your business will demand a significant amount of your time. You cannot ignore this responsibility, especially at the start…but you can always try to make things better by adjusting and adapting. If you’re wondering ‘How?’, then keep reading. Recently we had a chance to talk with Anoop Bishnoi, a well-established and experienced entrepreneur...

What It Takes To Be an Entrepreneur – Anoop Bishnoi

 Entrepreneurship is more than just being a business owner; it’s a way of life. Actually, there is no single or simple definition for the word, but many have attempted to decipher it. Some say that it’s about discovering a dedicated and hardworking part of yourself, while others say it’s about identifying the need that no other business is fulfilling and developing a solution to that need. However you define it, we all have to agree that being an entrepreneur is no easy task! Every new business owner is essentially a rookie, but you can cultivate your entrepreneurial spirit long before you open the doors. When asked to share his advice with aspiring entrepreneurs, Anoop Bishnoi, promoter of Alcohol and Steel Industries said, “Most people believe that successful founders have all of the experience and knowledge required to run high-growth businesses. However, once they start their own businesses they realize that they won’t have all the answers right away, but anything can be figure...

Gaining Competitive Advantage – Anoop Bishnoi

 Competition is good for a business because it pushes you to innovate and stay ahead of others. However, sometimes it can be a little intimidating. Business rivalry can be fierce, especially in fast-paced markets where customers frequently switch to try/test various products. Every market has competition, but smarter businesses mitigate the impact of competitors to increase market share. How do they accomplish this? Read on for some real-world advice, as we recently spoke with one of the well-known and experienced entrepreneurs who has been in the market for years, Anoop Bishnoi. Here’s what Anoop has to say about it, “ First thing’s first, it’s one’s perspective. Whether they see their competition as an impediment or an opportunity, I believe it’s the latter. One should not completely disregard competition, the most important battle is what happens inside your mind, as most businesses fail not because of competition, but because they have lost the will to fight and compete. How ca...

Building Brand Loyalty – Anoop Bishnoi

To stay afloat and push the growth of their brand, businesses must cultivate a loyal customer base. We can’t overstate the importance of customer loyalty, especially now, during the COVID-19 pandemic, when consumers are extremely concerned about their budgets and expenditure. As a business owner, you need to understand and remember that your customers are the reason for your success, in fact even for your existence. That is why it is critical to keep them in mind at all times. The needs of your customers should be at the forefront at every step. How can one promote customer loyalty? To get this answer, we talked to Anoop Bishnoi , a well-established and experienced entrepreneur and business mentor, and here’s what he said, “ Unsurprisingly, the quality of products and services is the most important factor in customer loyalty. But for customer retention, you need to engage with them, as an individual as well as a brand. Focus on personal conversations, not just formal communication. Y...